Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dear Ungrateful Stranger:

I write to you concerning your behavior from our many pervious encounters. I do not write to you out of anger, even though I do get frustrated when you act so rudely.  I write to you out of concern more than anything else.  It is not that I fear for our safety, but rather that I hate to see people look so down on you.  I think the best thing for me to do is to just provide with some examples of what I mean. 

First, just today I saw you in the local grocery store.  You were leaving with your hands full as I was entering.  I grabbed the door hand, pulled it open for you and held it as you passed through.  On your way past me, you said nothing.  You didn’t even smile at me or nod your head.  I know that you are very busy, and I am sure you had something very pressing to do – some TV show you were in a hurry to catch, facebook update to make, video games to play – on which you had your mind focused. 

Another time recently, we met at an intersection.  We each had stop signs.  I politely motioned you to go ahead first.  You hesitated and did not respond; so, I decided that you intended for me to go ahead of you.  I started to move forward just as you did, but I stopped right away…as did you.  Again, I motioned you to go ahead while I waited.  You sped off in what seemed like a very agitated state and gave me a very sour face as you drove away. 

The thing that bothers me the most is much simpler.  I often see you out and about when we seem to be reaching for the same item, trying to navigate the same aisle or when I just have to step past you to get where I’m gong.  I almost always make sure to excuse myself.  Often, you do not respond at all, and when you do, it is usually some unintelligible grunt or guttural noise. 

I have to say that I don’t appreciate your attitude about our encounters one bit.  I find that you could just as easily say nod your head as I hold the door for you.  You could try and understand that I was trying to give you permission to take your turn ahead of mine at the intersection.  You could also have offered something in response to the countless times I have pardoned myself in the last of the scenarios above.  You have no desire to do any of those things it seems. 

Instead of acting like a common polite person, you act like you “own the place” as they say.  Well, I suppose that is alright.  I will continue to act as I do, and I will continue to tolerate your rude behavior.  Although, I am considering having business cards made up that have short scenarios on the front and the appropriate response on the back to hand to you as needed.  I assume that no one ever taught you to act any better, and if that is the case, you are not to blame. 

I hope you take this letter in the spirit is in intended.  I do not mean to belittle you or make you feel badly.  I just wanted to make you aware that to myself and the rest of the polite world around you (what little bit of it is left), you give the impression of an impolite, ungrateful, rude little turd. 


Raised Better Than You

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