Monday, May 9, 2011

Dear Inattentive Driver

I know that you are a very busy person.  I’m sure that you have many important things to do.  There are phone calls to make, makeup to apply, iPods to reorganize, meals to eat, radios that need their EQ tweaked, and I think you should make time for all of those things.  I just wish you wouldn’t do it while you’re behind the wheel of your car. 

I was driving down a busy four-lane highway today, and you drifted into my lane rather quickly.  It appeared you were trying to swallow a burrito in one bite and had spilled some of the sauce on your suit.  While cleaning it off, you looked away from the road and didn’t return your attention to it until I honked my horn at you.  Then, you seemed to be offended that I alerted you to your mistake.  I saved us from having a wreck!  I think you should have been grateful. 

That’s not the only time I’ve experienced your rudeness.  Just last week I was waiting at a traffic light and saw you drive through the intersection.  You were talking on your phone with it clasped between your head and shoulder.  Your hands were busy because you were trying to write something down…I assume it was something of the utmost importance.  I watched you drive to the next intersection.  You had to slam on your breaks to avoid barreling into the car in front of you that had already stopped at the light. 

I see you quite often when you’re trying to multitask.  I think that you should know that you are attempting something that very few, if any, people can do.  People switch from task to task very quickly, but we’re not actually focusing on more than one thing at a time.  No, really.  Ask any MIT professor.  So when you think you’re still paying attention to the road and switching tunes on your MP3 player: you’re not.  You are actually diverting your attention from the road.  Even if only for a split second, your diverted attention can cause monstrous problems for you and the people around you. 

There are all kinds of times that you could be doing those things you’re doing in the car that wouldn’t put you and the people around you at risk.  So, please take a minute to do these things later.  I know we all get in a hurry, but it’s getting ridiculous. 



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