Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Job Seeker:

I know how tough it is out there to find a job right now, and you are probably applying any and everywhere you can think to do so.  I have a few recommendations for your success of being offered a job.  I realize that some of these things may not be something you find logical, and some of these things may be foreign to you entirely, but please, take my advice.  Some of you job seekers will definitely know what I mean and can avoid this list completely.  Just to be safe though, give it a read.

  1. Showing up to pick up an application in a sleeveless t-shirt and dirty worn out jeans is not appropriate at any job, even if that's what you would wear to said job on a daily basis.  
  2. Do not bring a snack or drink to a job interview.  
  3. Do not tell possibly employers that you got fired from your last job because they didn't like it when you cussed in front of your customers in a confused tone of voice.  
  4. "Shoes" is not an acceptable answer to the question of what your job skills are, mainly because the perspective employer won't know what you mean.  
  5. Please, be sure to bathe before coming to talk to someone about a job.  
  6. If you want to work thirty hours or more each week at a retail job, don't limit your availability to three days between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.  
  7. BE SURE TO READ THE APPLICATION BEFORE YOU START FEELING IT OUT, and if you mess something up, don't scribble; ask for another application.  
  8. "I need the money" or "It seems like an easy job" are NEVER the right answer to "Why do you want to work for our company", FYI.
  9. Just because you can get on facebook does not mean you have "good internet skills".  
  10. Turn off your cell phones BEFORE you start an interview.  
I know that some of this seems like common sense, but I have interviewed a lot of people in my time as a manager with different companies.  Each of these are things I have personally experienced.  Don't make the same mistakes.  



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